Tough Times Call For Tough Representation

Photo of Gary S. Bernstein

He Only Pushed The Record Button Once

On Behalf of | Apr 12, 2012 | DUI |

That is what this fairly new Frederick State Trooper had to say about how he came about to record the driving and stop of my client. The problem is, the video did not record what he wrote in his report and testified to on the witness stand. Somehow the video recorder turned on all by itself after the probable cause occurred. It must have, he told the court. They now install magic machines, so the probable cause for the stop is invisible. This trooper failed to appear for the first trial because he got an email from the State’s Attorney’s Office telling him not to show up. Problem is the prosecutor told me they don’t send emails. The trooper also has a magic email account that creates it’s own email. This wizard of technology was a trooper a whole 1 month and 20 days when he made the stop in this marked unit equipped with a probable cause suppressing video system. The stop was suppressed because the trooper never told the judge the speed limit, so no evidence of speeding. The judge never had to make a credibility finding. A week later, a friend tells me she was stopped by a trooper in Frederick on her way home from school, because her tag stickers “were going to expire at the end of the month.” HUH??? She would not let the trooper search her car, something he must of thought he should be allowed to do because he was providing excellent customer service to the motorist by making sure she didn’t forget to put her new stickers on. I am in the process of trying to find out if it is the same trooper with the self-strating video. I want to get a copy of any call to the barracks about why he was stopping the car. I suspect there was none, but if it is the same trooper we all have a problem driving Route 70 through Frederick.