Client is arrested and help No Bail for 1st degree Assault. He is released at the Bail review. Client is indicted for 1st Degree Assault. Charge carries up to 25 years. It now gets assigned to a prosecutor who reviews the video from the Bar where this happened and the Body Camera Footage. My client was attacked and hit the Complainant with his car. He never stopped- because they would have beat him to death- but he also never calls the police to report the accident. I get a call from the prosecutor after she viewed everything who asks if my client will plead to Leaving the Scene- not reporting the accident- and the Assault goes away. My client received a PBJ and no points today and paid $145.00 in court costs. He is, of course, to stay away from the maniac who attacked him.
This is two consecutive days that a prosecutor in Baltimore County did exactly what you want and expect a prosecutor to do. I have written about others in the past, but the tradition continues.