Last Tuesday I had a case I was really looking forward to on the Eastern Shore. I had another relatively new officer, this one a Maryland State Trooper, and a video. Interesting that they have videos in the cars everywhere but the Baltimore metropolitan area. My...
Tough Times Call For Tough Representation

Year: 2015
PART 1- I Can Beat You With One Eye Closed
Two weeks ago today my right eye gets bleary. I figure it is a cataract and I don't think they are a big deal. I go to my internist for a flu shot and that is what he sees. Meanwhile I squeezed in an appointment with my opthomologist for last Monday. I see him at...
PART 2- I Can Beat You With One Eye Closed
When I was postponing my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday cases last week, I emailed the Baltimore County State's Attorney's District Court supervisors to let them know that I was requesting postponements. I ended with: "I expect to be back BETTER THAN EVER in Towson...
Teaching CLE
I received a request today from a Baltimore County judge to do a DUI Seminar one morning. In Baltimore County we have Continuing Legal Education Program each month at 8:00 AM. The last one I did was on Sentencing. This one will be on the SFSTs and Sentencing. I...
MVA Refusal Victory
These are now few and far between. The Officer's Order of Certification read that the stop was for a tag light at 2:00 AM. No odor of alcohol. SFSTs not to my satisfaction ( curved area of a rural road on a grassy area). There were just no reasonable ground. No...
1st of 2 Video Victories in the Past Week
MDTA Officer stops my client for a stop sign violation. The client is asked to exit the car for SFTSs. The client categorically refuses to do them. The clients told unless the client does the SFSTs, the client will be arrested based on the observations that...
2nd of 2 Video Victories
The trial was today and I received the video Friday. I watch the video and the first thing I see is that the officer could have done the SFSTs between his car and the client's car because a second officer had pulled up behind him, allowing for protection from a rear...
Declining To Teach Fall Seminar
After a great deal of consideration I am not going to teach the State Bar Association course on how to defend a a DUI. The reason? I am not going to lecture prosecutors and police on my strategy to win your case. It is one thing when I teach strictly defense...
I Want to See the Paperwork
My prosecutor today asks for a postponement because the officer is on vacation. She just learned about it yesterday. I object. The judge says if the officer requested it more than 2 weeks ago he will grant it as the Court should have postponed the case. He asks...
Another MDTA Officer and Another Nol Pros
Well a 3rd member of the MDTA Police Force who would have been called to testify in Glen Burnie District Court has seen his written report blown up by his in-car video tape. I knew when the officer did not have the video prepared for the State's Attorney's Office...